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Bendix Scintilla is probably best known for their aircraft magnetos. They were used extensively in aircraft and even in some military vehicles, watercraft and airboats. They also supplied some ignition equipment for the small engine market. Gravely used a base mounted Bendix device for a short time and many flywheel magnetos were in use probably till the mid to late 1950's in Mercury kiekhafer outboards, Mercury Disston chainsaws, and many of the Titan (Mill and Mine Supply of Seattle, Wash) chainsaws. Here is a WW2 era photo of their plant in Sidney, NY. Bendix eventually spun off the industrial magneto business. The aircraft ignition components are now sold and serviced by Continental Motors.
Problem areas for these devices after 65 plus years of service and abuse were condensers that developed electrical leakage and shorts over time and coils in plastic cases that cracked and crumbled away. Lots of bad ones out there. An automotive condenser is a good fix if yours is leaky or shorted. Coils can be sourced from the antique outboard parts dealers. More info on these critters to follow.