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Here is a factory service manual to help keep the mighty Edison Splitdorf alive and well.
Who took page 13 and did not return it?????
Testing a condenser this way is not a good idea. Will not test for electrical leakage which is the most common failure and is a good way to get a dose of shock therapy or blow up the condenser. Back in the bygone days this test was performed with a DC source and a neon bulb. This is a valid test for electrical leakage. If the condenser (Capacitor for the electrical engineering types) is free of leakage it will cause a sudden peak of current till the device is fully charged then the current will drop to zero. This will appear under test as a brief flash of the lamp. A leaky device will cause the lamp to glow continuously. An open device will not light the lamp. There is a current limiting resistor in the circuit to prevent pyrotechnics.
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